Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Succesfully moved to the house

We succesfully moved to the house last Sunday. That day, the electricity down starting after 4:oo pm then did not trun on that night. Jim put a lot of candles in the house but we just went to bed earier.

Monday, we had power! It had gone just 30 minutes at noon time but otherwise we had power all day long!

Tuesday, we did not have power all day again. I was so frustrated since I could not even have a cup of coffee. I waked to the nearest and biggest shopping center for coffee. It was just 15 minutes from the house. It's a fuge shopping center and seems there is a movie theater too.

How is the house? I have not bitten by any bugs so far. That's a good sign! There are so many spiders around though. The spider I can't stand is big flat one just like a sticker. It is about 10 cm. I screamed last night. Jim smushed for me.

Our master bed room dose not have a carpet or tiles. It is just concreate floor. I hope the owner arrange to put tiles on. It looks bad.....

The water system is not stable either. We have no water, or no hot water time to time.

Otherwise, "Sume ba Miyako" I hope I am going to like it.

We have not set up internet system and generator yet. That's why I am tyrping this from an internet cafe. No Japanese!

Did I tell you? I decided to oder the main cutains. IMC staff has ordered it for me. I am looking for seeing them soon!

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