Thursday, May 13, 2010

African life

"I live in Africa," I easily forget about it. It is a good thing because I can go for a walk by myself (just day time), I can buy fresh veges and fruits, also I can make MISO soup at home. Sounds good, right!

BUT! These things remind me of life in Africa.
Some of them make me happy but some of them don't but I get used to it.
  1. When I could not get any cash because there is no money inside the ATM machines, even I went to the main bank.
  2. When I could not get any cash because ATM machines were not working. There were cash inside though. It happens 30 % of the time.
  3. When I see beautiful sunset without any building on the horizon.
  4. When I bumped into a chameleon on the street. It makes me happy! ;>
  5. When I bought beautiful Mangoes for a song! I buy a dozen.

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