Friday, March 27, 2009

Peanuts Seller

We saw a guy selling peanuts on the street. It was around 7 am. I was pretty sure his spot was a good place for his business because near a mini bus station ( a station but there was nothing). Many people were getting in and out of the buses. This was a typical African rush hour. Jim and I were taking a morning walk at Blantyre that morning and pushed our way through the crowd.

I was staring at his table made of a stone unconsciously because of the simplicity. There were 6 bags neatly piled up 3 bags each. I could guess probably there were 20~30 peanuts in each bag.
When we returned, we decided to buy his peanuts. It was 10 kwacha per bag. That equals to $0.07/ bag. There were 6 bags on his table. I was thinking how many bags he could sell. Maybe he hid 100 more bags somewhere we could not see or he just had 6 bags only (I hope not). This is life in Malawi.

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